Easypeasy bananabread

Don't want to make a complicated cake or bread recipe? This healthy and supereasy bananabread is ready in no time! All the ingredients in a blender, stir and done. Easy as that! This recipe is easy, but that doesn't mean it's less tasty. The cinnamon and oats are giving this cake a rich flavor. It's rich in good [...]

Easypeasy bananabread2016-11-10T13:05:34+01:00

Raw carrot cake

Carrot cake, yummm.. you don't even know how happy you can make me with this. One of the best cakes I know. And the fun part is, you're eating veggies without even noticing. But still, the original carrot cake contains a lot of sugar and butter. That's why I made a recipe without refined sugar and [...]

Raw carrot cake2016-11-10T13:05:35+01:00

Coco raspberry mugcake

Ooooh I love it!!  I made this recipe for so many times already. And do you know why? It's delicious, nutritious and ready in 5 minutes! If you've never made a mugcake before then this opens a whole new world for you. In a hurry, no time to have breakfast... All excuses and no longer needed when [...]

Coco raspberry mugcake2016-11-10T13:05:35+01:00

Berry breakfast cake

Oh I love to make cakes! Not only because baking is fun, but also because a cake is very versatile. Indeed, it is the perfect breakfast, gives you a lot of energy and it gives you a full feeling for a longer period. This berry breakfast cake is also perfect as a snack or as [...]

Berry breakfast cake2016-11-10T13:05:35+01:00

Breakfast waffles

Since I have a waffle iron (6 months right now) I can't stop making waffles. Oooh waffles can be so heavenly!! Especially on a sunday morning when you had a good sleep, don't want to make breakfast at all, but still want to have something tasty to eat. Then... this is the perfect breakfast! It actually looks like [...]

Breakfast waffles2016-11-10T13:05:38+01:00
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